What Home Remedies Can You Use To Treat Toenail Fungus? (2025)

Fungus is a sneaky, creepy thing. It gets under your nails and starts to grow, often leaving your nails deformed and unappealing. Ask anyone who’s had a fungal nail issue. They’ll tell you that it’s stubborn and difficult to get rid of. But, with consistency, you can successfully treat fungal nail issues and rid yourself of them.

In this article, we’ll give you some ideas to help you treat your fungal nail infection at home. Aside from the medical treatment, we’ll also give you some home remedies that you can try too.

The Typical Treatment

The typical treatment used is an anti-fungal cream or ointment that’s applied to the fungus, killing it over time. Generally, you’d rub the cream onto the affected area after soaking it in water. Removing the first layer of fungus can also help the cream be more effective.

Home Remedies

While the anti-fungal is known to be pretty effective when used correctly, it’s not the only solution to getting rid of the fungus in your nails. There are some home remedies that you can use that have shown some promise in treating fungal nail issues, too, such as:

1. Vicks Vaporub

What Home Remedies Can You Use To Treat Toenail Fungus? (1)

Although Vicks is initially designed to alleviate a tight chest, it may also aid in killing a fungal nail infection. Its main ingredients are eucalyptus oil and camphor. A study done in 2011 over several weeks confirms that Vicks can be an effective solution for fungal infections.

2. Tea Tree Oil

What Home Remedies Can You Use To Treat Toenail Fungus? (2)

Tea tree oil can also be used to combat a fungal nail infection. Also known as melaleuca, Tea Tree oil is an essential oil that contains antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. Some studies have shown that when applied, tea tree oil can assist in treating toenail fungus. To apply it, simply paint it onto the infected area with a cotton ball twice a day.

3. Snakeroot Extract

What Home Remedies Can You Use To Treat Toenail Fungus? (3)

Snakeroot extract is an evergreen shrub that grows in Southeast Asia. This shrub contains amounts of specific prescription drugs like reserpine and yohimbine. Like tea tree oil, Snakeroot also has anti-fungal properties.

A study done in 2008 allowed people to apply snakeroot extract on the infected area on every third day for the first month and twice a week for the second, and only once for the third month. The results were successful.

4. Garlic

What Home Remedies Can You Use To Treat Toenail Fungus? (4)

No one really wants their feet to smell like garlic, but if it gets rid of toenail fungus, then it’s what you have to do, right? According to research, garlic also has some pretty powerful anti-fungal properties. While more research is needed to confirm this, some tests have shown positive results.

To apply garlic extract to the area, place crushed or chopped garlic cloves on the area for around 30 minutes a day. To keep it there while you walk around, you might want to stick it down with something.

5. Oregano Oil

What Home Remedies Can You Use To Treat Toenail Fungus? (5)

For the plant enthusiast out there, you might have this one growing in your garden. Oregano is a plant that’s part of the same family as mint. To get the essential oils out of it, the leaves and the shoots of the plant are air-dried. Once dry, the oil is extracted via steam distillation.

Oregano oil can also be used as a home remedy to get rid of toe fungus. It contains thymol, which studies have shown to also have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Like other oils, apply the oregano oil to the affected area twice a day with a cotton swab.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

What Home Remedies Can You Use To Treat Toenail Fungus? (6)

Apple cider vinegar has many benefits when it comes to making home remedies for several conditions. For toe fungus, there’s limited evidence to show that it works 100% of the time. A study done in 2017 shows that it may have antimicrobial properties, but more research still needs to be done.

That said, if it works, it works, right? To apply apple cider vinegar, soak the infected toe in a water and vinegar solution made up of one part vinegar and two parts warm water for about 20 minutes.

7. Probiotics

What Home Remedies Can You Use To Treat Toenail Fungus? (7)

What you eat also influences your chances of contracting toe fungus and how it spreads. Some research has shown that adding more probiotics to your system is an effective way to prevent fungus infections. While it’s not a sure thing, it wouldn’t hurt to have more probiotics in your system now, would it? Consider adding more foods with natural probiotics in them.

Final Thoughts

Aside from making your feet look really bad, if toe fungus develops further, it could eventually cause you pain and discomfort, stop you from wearing shoes comfortably, or even lead to giving you a bacterial skin infection.

So, it’s in your best interest to do all you can to rid yourself of a fungal nail infection as soon as possible. Use one of the methods above to help kill the fungus, and remember, consistency is key!

Read Next: DIY Nail Care: Save Money with Salon-Worthy At-Home Manicures

What Home Remedies Can You Use To Treat Toenail Fungus? (8)

Idris Baker

What Home Remedies Can You Use To Treat Toenail Fungus? (2025)


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